Friday 27 November 2009

the little things

to each man his own universe. and to each universe a man, on his own. it doesn't have as much of a ring to it as it first did when it crept into my head; rattling the little bell that hangs from just a little above the door: upside-down it sorta looks a little like a light bulb. ownership is separation. is that what i'm trying to say? is that what i was trying to think? the monk from yesterday would think ownership is love, but would say god is love, and so it is that we think ourselves gods to that which we own. i did my mate(let's call him willy)'s big issue peddling today. i needed a little cash and after a little talk he became convinced he needed a little rest. go up to wolves and see your parents willy. how long has it been? your old lady must miss you. no, i'm not saying they'll take you back in, but a day with your little one, and some of your mom's cooking. that would be nice for a little rest, yeah? the boy hates me but there is trust. so, 20 magazines, 50/50 split on the money, goodbye, see you tonight by the place. and so the hordes drive at me, past me, bumping and cursing and pulling their children closer and saying good morning, nah mate, no thanks. and each lonely individual looks at you with a different face. but the angelic demon underneath is the same. once you get past the masks of pity, of rage and disgust, the smiling faces on the faces of the strangely dressed teenagers, the indifferent pursed lips on the faces of the ashamed businessmen, and you exchange your thank yous and sorrys and you scream out yet another sales pitch, do a little jig on your toes for the waif girl in a teenyweeny red dress, bow, as if exiting a stage, as she flies by, turn to the next man who's lighting a cigarette but failing, and you offer him a match but he refuses, knowing he'll have to pay more for that match than he would have bargained for. if in the split second they look at you and you look back, your eyes meet; you sense the loneliness. and you sense it with every morsel of life that makes you, you. a quick chill that burns your skin and eyes and leaves suddenly, drawing the window shut behind it. but you feel too the wind blowing in your baggy trousers and inflating them for just a moment, like a balloon. and your pockets rise with them, empty, penniless. so the next prospect comes along, and you accost him, more vigourously, holding the damn sleeved "last one" so close to his face the muscles round his nose tighten suddenly into some momentary attempt at anger. and you wonder if everybody else is just like you. waiting for nothing but the next meal, the next fuck, and the next moment of blissful sleep. and every other act, a necessary evil. a universe outside to which we venture, but always in our bubbles. in our own universes. £17 wasn't a bad haul. willy came back with a black and blue eye, old man don't like it too much when i pop round. i'd say sorry, invite him out to the park for a drink and some bread, but with pockets heavy and the ship steady, once again i'm back in my own world. the next meal found, perhaps a fuck off big luce who's always round the park on a friday night (note to self: must remember clinic, free condoms), and with the sky so clear and the wind dropping, some sleep, sound and sailing away beyond the bells and the light bulbs, to the deep green valleys and tall conquered mountains of dreams. good night.

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